The very way it has been reported by the media - probably taken straight from a Whitehall press release - begets a total lack of understanding of education. No test measures pure “ability”. We all know the average girl who worked her socks off and got 3 Bs at A-level, and the hyper-intelligent but disaffected youth who spent most of his time bunking off or smoking and got Ds and Es.
In education, the discrete level a child reaches is called attainment, and is affected by any number of socioeconomic factors as well as baseline aptitude, not a whit of which is within their control. The children at the bottom of the class are invariably the kids for whom learning to spell Mesopotamia comes a poor second to the sheer struggle of staying fed, clean, and not knocked about by their latest “uncle” - does the government think these families are even going to open the results letter, let alone think “Shit - I'd better start listening to her read?” Does the government think these poor little scraps don’t already know they're at the bottom of the pile, or would be anything other than totally demoralised by knowing that almost everyone is “cleverer” than them?
The government presents this retrograde and reprehensible step as a means of “raising standards”. I would suggest their own intelligence is in question if they don’t understand that even if all 11 year olds were achieving to GCSE level, if you rank them into percentiles someone will come last.
It is time to stop seeing intelligence as some sort of moral virtue, any more than we have control over the colour of our eyes. As Eeyore said, “We can’t all, and some of us don’t. That’s all there is to it.” With 900,000 kids NEET, my suspicion is that the government - having first tried to blame immigrants, and families on welfare selfishly renting a council house that has a box room - are now trying to blame our children for their monumental policy cock-ups. Doesn't bloody matter how well they do if there aren’t any jobs for them to go to, does it, Dave?